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Date(s) - January 4, 2020
8:00 am
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“Mandalabhishekam is the ritual performed on the forty-eighth day after idol pratistha in the temple. Ganesha puja, Kalasa Sthapana, Homam, Poornahuti performed as part of this process. After poornahuthi, Mandalabhishekam for Sri Shiridi Sai Baba will be performed with the sacred water from the 108 kalasams that were consecrated in the ritual. HSSS (Harrisburg Sai Seva Samithi) invites you all to be part of this Divine event.
When: January 4th, 2020 @ 8:00 AM
Where: Shirdi Saibaba Mandir
599 Range End Rd, Dillsburg, PA 17019
*Event will be followed by Theertham & Prasadam.
Om Sai Ram!!