- Flash News
Date(s) - April 12, 2021
9:00 am
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Harrisburg Sai Seva Samithi is very happy to announce Plava Naama Samvatsara Ugadi celebrations on April 12th the actual day of Ugadi.
Ugadi, Yugadi, Gudipadwa is the New Year’s Day for the Telugu, Kannada,Tulu and Marati speaking cultures. This is the time of the year when the entire nature appears to get a fresh start, new leaves, new buds, fresh breeze and bright sunlight. The Ugadi festival also symbolizes the birth of a new era. It is celebrated on ShuklaPaksha (bright fortnight) of the first month Chaitra of the Hindu calendar. There are many cultural significances and customs for Ugadi which are an integral part of of the festival. One such custom is making Ugadi Pachadi.
The significance of Ugadi Pachadi is immense as it symbolizes the essence of life. This special dish is prepared with ingredients like:Jaggery (sweet), Salt (salty), Tamarind (sour), Neem flowers (bitter), Raw mango (tangy), Chilli powder (spicy). The dish is significant as it has all the tastes of life. It teaches that life is a mixture of all the emotions. Each and every ritual followed on this day, has its own significance, another such ritual is listening to Panchanga Sravanam ( the early forecast of all raasis)
Harrisburg Sai Seva Samithi is happy to announce the we will have panchanga sravanam by priest Shri Keshava Shastry garu on April 12th. We welcome devotees to join us, listen to their rasi forecast for the year.
Devotees can also participate by performing Abhishekam($21) and Archana($11). Please see the flyer for more information.