- Flash News
Author: Chitra Reddy
Date: August, 2015
Profession: IT Consultant
City: Mechanicsburg, PA USA
Hometown: Nalgonda, Telangana, India
Finding my nephew near Sai Baba Ji’s temple
I am very strong believer of Sai Baba. My entire family and I have been Baba devotees and since I was very young Baba has had a most profound effect upon my life. I have had such a compelling experience and I would like to share my experience with everyone.
When I was in college during summer holidays, my mother, brother, sister and her son were having good time at our home. It was evening and we were all busy working inside the house on our chores and because we were all so busy with our tasks we did not really notice anything amiss with my 4 year old nephew. As evening started to draw to a close and we were done with our chores we noticed he was not around! At first we thought he may be playing outside or at a neighbor’s home.
We started searching our home and yard for him which proved to be in vain. Next, we called our friends and other family members to see if they knew anything at all or could help us find my beloved nephew. Everyone frantically started looking for him and we searched everywhere! We searched houses, streets, corners and every little nook and cranny that we could think of that a curious boy could wander into.
I prayed “Dear Baba please help us to find him!”
I had remembered that Baba always told us, “I AM WITH YOU IN EVERY SITUATION.” I prayed and prayed.
Our dear friend and brother who also went to search for our lost nephew called us in few minutes saying that he found him near Baba’s temple at the home of another of Baba devotees. She was holding him as he was roaming there without proper dress without shoes and thought he might be missing. Our friend rode his bike to our home as soon as he could and brought him home to us safe and sound once again. I cannot describe just how happy we all were upon seeing him. It is Baba’s miracle we found him. Baba always protects you and your family if you believe in him.
To this day we are not sure how he walked for 2 miles until we found him but on that day, we were truly blessed by Baba’s grace. Om Sai Ram!! – Chitra(Sai’s daughter)
Shri Satchidananda Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai! Om Sai Ram!!