- Flash News
Date(s) - July 9, 2017
6:00 am
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In Kaliyuga, to think of God, to chant God’s name and to listen to God’s leelas are all equally blissful activities that would provide puniyam to the devotee.
We have a perfectly blissful event coming up, which facilitates “Smaranam” – the beauty and power of listening and then imbibing to the leela’s of Baba. With Baba’s grace, we are blessed to invite you all for a blissful day of Sai Satcharithra Parayanam event on July 9th, 2017 in lieu of the Guru Purnima Day
When: July 9th, 2017, Sunday starting at 6am (All-Day Event)
Where: Good Hope Fire Station 1200 Good Hope Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
We will have Baba Aarathi’s throughout the day.
and our amazing prasadam served after each aarthiPlease do attend with family and get Baba’s blessings. With Baba’s grace, we will have another successful and totally blissful parayanam event. May Baba bless you and your family with all happiness and joy! Om Sai Ram!!