- Flash News
Date(s) - March 28, 2015
4:00 pm
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We are very excited and blessed to announce the offical registration of our group as “Harrisburg Sai Seva Samithi” HSSS. In Shirdi, Rama Navami celebrations are carried out with so much passion and bhakthi. With Baba’s blessings, we are blessed to be able to celebrate this special occasion of Rama’s birth, in a similar way, here in our city. As our Vedas elucidate, ‘Kirtanam’ is one of the unique ans soul engaging ways of reaching and seeking God’s blessings. We will start with reading of Chapter 6 from Sai Satcharitra, that explains the beauty and bliss of Rama Navami celbrations in Shiridi. We will be chanting Rama Raksha Stotram, and Hanuman Chalisa followed by a blissful bhajan evening! With Babs’s blessings and grace, looking forward to a blissful event! Please attend and get’s Baba’s blessings! May Baba’s blessings be with you and your family! Om Sai Ram!!