- Flash News
Date(s) - January 1, 2017
5:00 pm
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When one sings or performs ‘Kirtans’/ ‘bhajans’ for God, our heart and soul opens up… We experience an ecstatic glimpse of deeper self and connection to God! That’s why all religions and traditions have so much singing in their rituals. In Kaliyuga, it is even more puniyam and a big blessing to engage in such ways of serving and reaching the Divine! Beginning with a blissful evening bhajan would indeed be a great way to start and welcome the wonderful New Year 2017 filled with Baba’s blessings. We invite you all to be part of this blissful event and get Baba’s Blessings.
When: January 1st, 2017, Sunday starting at 5:00 PM
Where: Enola Fire Hall 118 Chester Rd, Enola, PA 170250
Please do attend with family & friends and get Dear Baba’s blessings. With Baba’s grace, we will have another successful and totally blissful event. May Baba bless you and your family with all happiness and joy! Om Sai Ram!!