- Flash News
Date(s) - November 12, 2016
4:45 pm
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Karthikam is the most auspicious month of the year and as per puranas performing any vratam or Pooja in this month is even more blissful, powerful and effective.
HSSS is conducting Saamuhika Sri Sai Satya Vratam on 12th November, 2016. So, this is a great opportunity for your family to participate and get Baba’s blessing. We have a token donation of $51 (all the Pooja materials will be provided by HSSS) per family that are interested in performing this Pooja and all the proceeds will go towards our Baba Temple Project.
When: November 12th, 2016, Saturday starting at 4:45 PM Where: Good Hope Fire Station 1200 Good Hope Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Please do attend with family and get Baba’s blessings. With Baba’s grace, we will have another successful and totally blissful event. May Baba bless you and your family with all happiness and joy! Om Sai Ram!!