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Date(s) - January 1, 2016
5:00 pm
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What a better way to begin our year 2016, than have a blissful evening of bhajan. On our soul level, when one sings or performs ‘Kirtans’/ ‘bhajans’ for God, our heart opens up… We expereice an ecstatic glimpse of deeper self and connection to God! That’s why all religions and traditions have so much singing in their rituals. In Kaliyuga, it is even more puniyam, a big blessing to engage in such ways of serving and reaching the Divine! The evening started with Sandhya Aarathi, followed by bhajans, and Shej aarthi. The deovtees had the opportunity to perform ‘Abhishekam’ for our dear Baba murthy brought from Shirdi by one of our devotees. It was an absolutely blissful bhajana event, welcoming a wonderful 2016, filled with Baba’s blessings! Om Sai Ram!!