- Flash News
Date(s) - November 15, 2019
12:00 am
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“Aana hi padey gaa baba Aana hi padey gaa…..” just the way we sing in our Baba Bhajan’s, the wait is over and Baba heard us all. He is now coming to our city, his permanent home to bless us and be with us. HSSS (Harrisburg Sai Seva Samithi) is excited to announce the Divine event of Shirdi Saibaba Mandir inauguration.
When: November 15th,16th,17th 2019
Where: Shirdi Saibaba Mandir 599 Range End Rd, Dillsburg, PA 17019 We will have Baba Aarti’s throughout the day.
*All three day event will be followed with Aarthi, Theertham & Prasadam. Detailed Program schedule on each day of the event will be sent out shortly.
HSSS cordially invite you all to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Vigraha Prathishta Mahotsav (Idol Inauguration), carried out by priests through holy rituals. Om Sai Ram!!