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Date(s) - October 24, 2014
6:00 am
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The Baba Palki procession in Shirdi carries a lot of importance. Originally, the Palki procession starts from starts from Samadhi Mandir which is the eternal abode of Shri Sai , proceeds to Dwarakmai and then it moves to Chavadi. From Chavadi, it returns back to Samadhui Mandhir. This traditon dates back to the early 1910’s when our Baba’s visit to Chavadi was accompanied by a Palki procession. Being a part of fundraiser for Sri SaiRam Temple in Marietta, GA, Priest Padmanabacharya brought in our dear Baba’s Utsava Murthy and Baba’s Padukas in a Palki to our Harrisburg City. It was a huge blessing for all of us, and with Baba’s grace we have a blissful event with pooja, bhajans and Palki procession. Om Sai Ram!!